On you dashboard, click on Bookings, and then Bookings List.

On this page you will see who has booked with you. Click on the pencil icon to edit the booking.

Click on Charges to make changes.

Click the Delete button and confirm that you want to delete the reservation. 


The process to give refunds will depend on if the Camp Reservations System was used and if the Traveler has a saved credit card.   The example below shows how to proceed with a refund in the case: 

- the Camp Reservations System was used 

- the Traveler has a saved credit card

The Booking Fee is non-refundable, so the maximum refund will be the amount paid minus the Booking Fee + GST for total of $5.25. In the example below, the maximum amount the traveler can be refunded is $2.10.

You will now be taken to the Delete Confirmation Page.

The system defaults to the maximum refund which is the total cost less the Booking

Fee + GST which is $5.25. This allows you to provide a partial refund based on your Campground’s specific

cancellation policies. Choose the refund amount in the Deletion Confirmation before you click the OK button.

Once OK is clicked on the Delete Confirmation Page, the refund will be processed on the Traveler’s credit card and they will receive a Booking Refund and Booking Cancellation email if they have an email address in their Traveler Profile.

In the case that the credit card the initial payment was taken from is cancelled please refer to: https://support.stripe.com/questions/refund-sent-to-cancelled-or-expired-card