Partial payments are applicable to 1 manual reservation at a time.  This feature is available at the discretion of your campground policies.

Reservations will show as red and indicate collection required until full payment is marked as received.  Partial payments can be processed as many times as needed; may be a blend of both CRCA credit card process or cash payment.

  1. Create a new or select an existing reservation requiring payment
  2. Under the Charges  tab, scroll down to collect payment and checkmark the partial payment box
  3. Type in the amount to collect as the partial payment
  4. Select the payment method
  5. Click Confirm, and your partial payment process is complete!
  6. To mark a reservation as full payment received, re-open the reservation, navigate to the charges tab and select pay with credit card or collect non-CRC payment.  Checkmark if this is another partial payment or a full payment, click OK and Save to complete the transaction.


For an existing reservation

When making a new reservation