This article reviews how to access campground reports as well as what data is included in which report. The first section in this article shows you how to find the reports. The second section lists the different types of reports and what they include.

How to access reports

Step 1: Scroll through the side menu to find 'Reports' select 'Report List' within the reports section. Enter the name of the campground and select it.

    *The default dates will be for the upcoming week. You can alter the time range for the report as well as opt for all dates and current year.

Step 2: Select the report you want to view from the drop down menu and click 'Generate'

*If you want to export to a spreadsheet check the box 'Export to CSV'

Guide to reports usage

Accounting: Detailed report. Includes the name of camper, site, booking ID, arrival/departure date, transaction amount, transaction time, pay system, pay status, booking date, booking status, strip fee (2.9% + $0.30/transaction), Camp Reservations Canada fee, Camp Reservations Canada to deposit (amount collected by CR.CA on behalf of campground), campground collected, campground refunded, amount to be collected by campground, and any additional charges or promotions.

Accounting POS: Report of transactions made. Includes transaction time, transaction ID (and parent transaction ID), name, amount, pay system, status, stripe fee (2.9% + $0.30/transaction), Camp Reservations Canada to deposit (amount collected by CR.CA on behalf of campground), campground collected, campground refunded.

Accounting Summary for Daily, Weekly, and Monthly: Provides bookings organized by length of stay and includes total revenue for all bookings of that section as well as the average revenue per booking.

Add Ons: Displays revenue from campers add-ons from booking. Includes the camper name, arrival/departure date, site, contact information (phone/email), booking ID, the item, value of the item.

Arrivals: Indicates travelers arriving and what site they will be staying in as well as their departure date.

Average Booking Length: Displays the average days booked per site.

Booking Promotions: Displays the bookings that have use a promotional offer. Includes the booking ID, camper, site, arrival/departure date, name of promotion, percentage of promotion (if promotion is by percentage), and the amount of the promotion.

By Camper: Shows the full name of the camper, their site, arrival/departure dates, mode of booking (online/manual), contact information (email/phone #), city, and date of booking.

By Campsite: Shows who is staying at which site with their arrival/departure dates and the mode of booking (online/manual).

By Campsite (Short): Shows the camper, arrival/departure dates, and site they are occupying.

Contacts: Displays campers and their contact information. Includes name, phone, email, address, and license plate #.

DeparturesIndicates travelers departing and what site they were staying in as well as their departure date.

Housekeeping: Shows campsites and date/time of last cleaning

Housekeeping Records: Indicates when campsite housekeeping was complete. Includes the site, manager, ID, notes, and date.

No Shows: Shows the information of campers who are 'No Shows' including their booked arrival/departure dates, site, contact information (phone/email), booking ID, booking description, comments, and any outstanding amount.

Number of Sites Occupied: Shows on each specific day how many sites are occupied.

Occupancy: Indicates # of days that each site is occupied as well as occupancy percentage, percentage of weekends stayed at each site and the total cost/revenue.

Short Term Bookings: Indicates the short term bookings if you have opted to use the hourly booking feature

Tax Exemptions: Indicates reservations that are tax exempt (if any). Includes the camper name, site, booking ID, arrival/departure dates.